
by Gravitron

Dec 11, 2015
The older presidents were better. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln.... Those are the people who made America what it is today. Now we're dealing with people like Obama. We had mu...

by Gravitron

Dec 11, 2015
The rights are an important part of America; I don't know what we'd do without them. What happened to Freedom of Religion?? I hate ISIS as much as the next guy, but not all Muslims...

by Gravitron

Dec 11, 2015
The U.S. made machine guns. Need I say more?

by ~Susan

Dec 11, 2015
ISIS are moslems! Why would you NOT want to pause the invasion of possible terrorists to America? What SICK scheme is our government behind? Are you ready for you babies (they have...

by Fred BC

Dec 11, 2015
The problem with capitalists is that they think that the freedoms they want are the only ones anyone wants. In fact, freedom is about human beings. No one worthy of your time asks...

by ~John Cena

Dec 10, 2015
As an internet user, you should decide what you can see.

by Alfredo

Dec 10, 2015
That's the problem with socialists - they think that freedom is something you can group into important and not important. In fact, freedom is one. Either you respect it or not.

by ~Michael

Dec 10, 2015
Clinton has too many skeletons in the closet, Sanders is a die-hard socialist. That leaves us with simple choice: O'Malley. Is he a good candidate? No. He's just the best of the wo...

by varkytarky

Dec 10, 2015
Simply because he does a good job...

by User01834

Dec 9, 2015
There is no difference between spanking and beating.

by User01834

Dec 9, 2015
There is absolutely no reason to strike or use violence towards your child, ever. There has been plenty of research that shows that it only leads to children that are more prone to...

by cjcx2

Dec 9, 2015
Yes, keeping in mind the difference between spanking and beating. Also keeping in mind that may be the last time you'll see your child if Child Protective Services finds out. Their...

by Teku

Dec 9, 2015
As a person who has never been on the US nor has any sort of link with it as a country, i'd still answer No. A country is just a country. If someone that's not been born and raised...

by X Abrupto

Dec 9, 2015
The band's biggest weakness is their inability to find their own sound. It's something I've noticed with their past albums despite some really good compositions and lyrics - their...

by X Abrupto

Dec 9, 2015
Throughout history we have often seen men having multiple wives. It still happens today, actually. On the contrary, it's quite rare to hear about a woman having two husbands or mor...

by Teku

Dec 8, 2015
Blue Pill. Taking the Red Pill doesn't makes you smarter or more likely to achieve your goals. And taking the Blue Pill doesn't stop you from learning and knowing, it just means th...

by Teku

Dec 8, 2015
Wait what? Sorry if i'm missing something important. Why "Men can, women can't"?

by Teku

Dec 8, 2015
I'm pretty sure there are several (new, mind you, and possibly made-up) terms for the scenario which you describe, thanks to the anti-labeling movement that's risen up on the inter...

by Teku

Dec 8, 2015
The three answers already given exhibit deep thought and philosophical reasoning towards the better understanding of what makes an opinion and opinion, and what makes a fact, a fac...

by meze

Dec 7, 2015
I like the UK. I've been to London once and I enjoyed the culture. People were very nice and friendly.

by X Abrupto

Dec 7, 2015
Is this the ultimate B-movie? Quite possibly. Sam Raimi took everything that was good with the first film, threw what was bad about it out of the window and came up with a recycled...

by ~Nick

Dec 7, 2015
If one were to manage to clone extinct animals for human entertainment, that is worse than making them extinct.

by X Abrupto

Dec 7, 2015
If you are looking for the best Jackie Chan films, Drunken Master II/The Legend of the Drunken Master definitely has to be on your list. What made Jackie Chan a star, besides his o...

by BenNet

Dec 6, 2015
Lego toys, but virtual and much cheaper. If you like building things from blocks, or if you simply enjoy building in games, I recommend this game to you. I was sceptical about Mine...

by Aahmused

Dec 6, 2015
Would I recommend that anyone read the Bible? Certainly. It has had a great deal of influence on Western language, art, culture, thought, politics and religion. How it is read is m...

by Teku

Dec 6, 2015
Poorly worded, and we can get off a technicality through it. Had you asked "do you choose "no" as the answer to this question", the puzzle might have been harder. As it stands, any...

by Teku

Dec 6, 2015
I agree with what you said. Indeed, maybe our differences stem from different interpretations of "changing reality". As i said earlier "Simply put, i see altering reality as making...

by Aahmused

Dec 6, 2015
Teku, thank you for your opinion. I believe you have somewhat misunderstood, and that may have to do with honest semantic differences. In the second paragraph I noted that the ques...

by Teku

Dec 6, 2015
"To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by...

by Teku

Dec 6, 2015
This argument feels like a slippery slope. That is, to say that viewing some as "deserving" to die equals saying that ANY human flaw should be a matter to bring death and destructi...

by Richard Wee

Dec 5, 2015
So, you would agree that you should have a permit to exercise your other Constitutional rights? Say the right to practice your religion, you know pass a test showing you not only k...

by ensi02

Dec 5, 2015
As long as it doesn't offend anybody, it's okay.

by Contrarian

Dec 4, 2015
Not so much as traitors, more like "above the law." They want the representation in the government to be of money, not one person one vote; for them it's one dollar - one vote; so...

by ArtMac

Dec 4, 2015
I dislike the Koch's blatant abuse of the American political system to their own gain and to the detriment of the citizenry of this country. That said, it's not surprising in the l...

by serutan

Dec 4, 2015
I think the Koch brothers are essentially traitors who don't believe in representative government and are waging an active campaign of sabotage against it.

by CitizenWyn

Dec 4, 2015
I would have to say that I do not know them, but I dislike their politics. Of course, if I had their money, then I would probably like their politics.

by MarvinTM

Dec 4, 2015
The Koch Brothers use and manipulate the system to get as much influence and make as much money as possible - legally. If you agree with their political goals, then you like them....

by X Abrupto

Dec 4, 2015
It's a question that brings a much bigger question and I think it's been discussed some time ago right here on OpiWiki although I don't remember where it was: How far do we go when...

by Fred BC

Dec 2, 2015
Exactly. Talking about privilege and social systems is never about dismissing the hard work that people have, or saying that their experiences are wrong. It's to point out that oth...

by Teku

Dec 2, 2015
Yes, you are right and i now see that i am wrong. As a male, i have been raised into several methods of which some take advantage of the fact that i have more power than females. A...

by Teku

Dec 2, 2015
I believe either you are mistaken or i haven't understood you well. Let's see which is which. First, let's define what altering reality means. Am i altering reality by dropping a c...

by Jimmy Lamothe

Dec 2, 2015
I gave him an extra point for being the only one to catch Magnus' possibly world championship losing mistake live. That was my favorite commentating moment in chess history, and he...

by Aahmused

Dec 2, 2015
I don't know what the question means by "Putin's Russia" but if President Putin and his administration did not try to influence the media it would be the only government administra...

by X Abrupto

Dec 2, 2015
It definitely should be free until you're done with high school, no matter who you are and what your potential might be. In many countries, you need, at least, a high school diplom...

by EdGoodger

Dec 1, 2015
Might lead to some resentment between Turkey and Russia, but I must admit to finding online claims to this being the start of World War 3 to be laughable. This will blow over as wi...

by Aahmused

Dec 1, 2015
From a socioeconomic and cultural standpoint, on average men have it easier.

by Aahmused

Dec 1, 2015
Life is either fair or it isn't, and it isn't. We all enter life through the lottery of birth, and conditions are markedly unequal. Inequalities abound, from physical to intellectu...

by Aahmused

Dec 1, 2015
The question is a little misleading, in my opinion, because it asks about the requirement being objectively wrong. A lot of religions and other organizations have "requirements" as...

by Aahmused

Dec 1, 2015
Not an easy question. Fred BC and noah364 both make some good points. I am going to work backwards, starting with the practical aspects of opinions vs facts, and then end with the...

by avapps

Nov 30, 2015
Life is fair to some but not for all people. Life is what you make of it. It`s gets very hard but without bad they won`t be any good. All things work together if you look at it fro...

by noah364

Nov 29, 2015
Great question. Fred BC gave a fantastic answer, and I agree with everything he said. However, I'm still going to try to put my own thoughts into words. Description of reality seem...

by noah364

Nov 29, 2015
So, now I'm just curious, do you think such a law could be effectively implemented now or in the future, or will there always be a significant danger of this "easier way rather tha...

by Vindication

Nov 29, 2015
When this country was founded and the framers wrote the constitutional requirement that the president to be a "natural born citizen", scholars concede that the 1787 Constitutional...

by User01834

Nov 29, 2015
The idea that people born in America would be more loyal to America than somebody that has actually changed his citizenship is patently absurd.

by ArtMac

Nov 29, 2015
Being the President of the United States of America, as un-American as it seems, should remain the preserve of the American born and raised people... No other country... let me rep...

by Vindication

Nov 29, 2015
The purpose for the constitutional law that American presidents must be born in America is because of loyalty to America and only America. We could never be sure someone born in an...

by wtinc

Nov 28, 2015
If your concerned about the loss of life some much why are you not demanding that Autos be ban they kill 35,000 a year, or how about knifes and clubs which kill more than guns. Ins...

by wtinc

Nov 28, 2015
Your wrong I have two children from age 4 they were taken out and given instruction on guns and allowed to shoot from that they learned the power of a weapon and never played with...

by Foxyjosh

Nov 28, 2015
There is already a test that every potential gun owner must take. It is a litmus test of sorts. A failing grade on the test means that one doesn't get to buy the gun. If the person...

by GrizMo

Nov 28, 2015
Well, let me make me an example. I owned my first pocket knife at age 4. I owned my first BB gun at age 7. I owned my first .22 semi-auto rifle at age 12 1/2. I'm now 55 years old...

by JohnQ

Nov 28, 2015
We ban automatic weapons and bomb because they are dangerous. But the guns that are legal to own today are involved in far more moments of protection than of crime. The wikipedia a...

by Morris Clyde

Nov 28, 2015
We can't simply ban all dangerous objects to keep them out of the hands of [...] irresponsible people - true, but we have to ban some of them. Otherwise any psychopath would be abl...

by JohnQ

Nov 28, 2015
Putting any kid around a gun has a potential for danger, just like knives, hammers, and any other dangerous object. We can't simply ban all dangerous objects to keep them out of th...

by youngstager

Nov 28, 2015
Teaching kids how to properly handle a gun will only make them more dangerous to themselves and to others around them. They're just kids! Teaching them things like that is expectin...

by daerice

Nov 28, 2015
Well, my father taught me to shoot a gun when I was nine years old. He showed my brother and I where they were kept in the house, and he made it very clear to us that they were onl...

by shroud90

Nov 28, 2015
Yes. I live in a state known for it's hunting kids here learn about guns and hunting from there parents. At least half the homes have here have guns. In recent years use of guns in...

by JohnQ

Nov 28, 2015
To make a basic analogy, I like to compare guns with cooking knives. If you teach a kid to properly handle a sharp cooking knife when they are young they learn respect for the dang...

by LibertarianPolitics

Nov 27, 2015
It bothers me when people say the environment must be preserved over oil. Oil is what runs this country. The EPA only lets us mine half of our own oil, that's why unfairly invade o...

by Fred BC

Nov 26, 2015
We actually don't need to know the first issue whatsoever. The scale of a problem is actually not terribly relevant to the merits of efforts to deal with that problem. I agree that...

by Fred BC

Nov 26, 2015
Phil: I think you want to ask this question yet prevent people from actually expressing the reason why they'd make it. What's the point of this question if you are not interested i...

by Fred BC

Nov 26, 2015
Bring it into existence. I would be happy to see that the forms of things would change and evolve, that other beings like me could emerge.

by Fred BC

Nov 26, 2015
A "fact" must be true. That's a tough issue since we disagree on objective truth. A "factual statement" or an "empirical statement" must be a statement that only aims to describe t...

by Avisia

Nov 26, 2015
Well, then first we need to know, how often do mentally ill people actually pose a threat to others? Very rarely. How often do the mentally ill cause harm to others compared to eve...

by Avisia

Nov 25, 2015
The underlying idea isn't necessarily bad. If it was tied to a professional declaring a specific individual a threat, that would be completely understandable. The problem lies in h...

by Gambi

Nov 25, 2015
As long as we don't want natural selection doing it's job, yes, they should be mandatory.

by Amaras

Nov 25, 2015
Form my point of view I'd say that there ARE people that deserve to die and are alive. However, as we can't bring back people that deserve to live but are dead. So the people that...

by ~Daniel

Nov 25, 2015
Second option after XP. But when this OS will become dead, I must go to bad OS's like W8 and W10 (with bad metro and flat design). After end of support W7, i will choose ubuntu.

by Aahmused

Nov 25, 2015
Again, people advocating this are acting like there is one solution to mass shootings in schools or public places - more firearms in the hands of more people. If only the teachers...

by ~Nick

Nov 25, 2015
Why would I? The Muslim religion is based on the Quran which supports these acts. I'm not Muslim and I will not support the terroristic attacks but I don't see why a Muslim wouldn'...

by ArtMac

Nov 24, 2015
The word patriot comes to mind even in spite of all the negatives associated with his reasons for employment... I prefer to think of him doing what the government should have been...

by Fred BC

Nov 23, 2015
In narrow contexts, yes. The mere fact of a mental illness obviously should not bar someone with no history of violence from owning a gun. However, in cases where a person has a me...

by Gambi

Nov 23, 2015
Sorry for this statement about prisons, what I meant was punishment for crimes, but, indeed, I haven't looked wide enough at this case. And about discussion itself being flawed: I...

by Fred BC

Nov 23, 2015
Obviously, the best approach both in efficaciousness and from a perspective of liberty and diversity is to improve treatment access and eliminate barriers like stigma, miseducation...

by Fred BC

Nov 23, 2015
Psychopaths, narcissists, and other dangerous people with mental illnesses are very good at blending in and destroying lives.

by Fred BC

Nov 23, 2015
This is a crucial point, but I do think the question deserves a direct answer.

by Fred BC

Nov 23, 2015
So, even if we concede in theory that it is meaningful and ethical to say some "deserve" to die, the issue is precisely that we recognize both that collective institutions and indi...

by Gambi

Nov 23, 2015
Media are very strong factor in creating society. You are practically admitting that, but contradicting yourself, because the idea of media is to spread information, ideas included...

by Gambi

Nov 23, 2015
None. There is no "angel" or any omnipotent mind that can decide about if it's right or not. There is only you. We reached the point where things like this are getting complicated...

by Imran Patel

Nov 23, 2015
i just wants to know why you all hate with muslims......Muslims is not terrorist and terrorist is not muslims....

by Shuwi

Nov 23, 2015
im pretty sure the only reason the only reason some muslims might be rude or even just straight up radical, is because of poverty. with poverty running rampant in their home countr...

by noah364

Nov 21, 2015
Thanks! Same to you. I look forward to seeing you around OpiWiki!

by daerice

Nov 21, 2015
You have some really great points here.....and I wish I had more time to address them all. You are an excellent debate partner and philosophical thinker. Thank you for taking the t...

by noah364

Nov 21, 2015
You make a good point, so I concede. But let me pose to you a revised version of the question: Do you support laws to prevent people with mental illness that, in the view of mental...

by Avisia

Nov 21, 2015
If abortion was illegal, I would have grown up without a mother. That's the only argument I need. I don't know the details about what was wrong. I don't need to. What I do know is...

by Avisia

Nov 21, 2015
This really isn't a fair question... in fact, we need to think about the reverse. Most mentally ill people aren't a threat to others. In fact, mentally ill are far more likely to b...

by Avisia

Nov 21, 2015
You obviously have little understanding of the problem in general. People very frequently speak of mental illness is ridiculously broad terms, and mental illness is often written a...

by noah364

Nov 21, 2015
"His wisdom is human" As is the wisdom of religion. And I think that religion can only work at its full potential once this is recognized by the religious. 'I see the totality of s...

by noah364

Nov 21, 2015
"I reserve the right to judge a religion based on its text, its tenants, its dogma, rules, and ideology. For it is the ideology that is the most dangerous part." But it is exactly...

by noah364

Nov 21, 2015
Not much I have to say here, in response to response 1; I agree with basically everything you have to say. But let's touch on two things. First, Truth. Thanks for the study; it's f...

by Patrick

Nov 21, 2015
Trying to ally with Putin to fight ISIS, is like giving yourself cancer to fight a cold. He supports terror, Iran, Bashar al-Assad, and wants more refugees. Of course he doesn't ca...