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3 votes
Feb 3, 2016

Donald Trump is a quasi-fascist narcissist.

Conservatives should despise his libertine past, his racism and his dishonesty. They should despise that he would be willing to run as an independent and split the conservative vote. They should despise that Nazis and white supremacists like him.

Evangelicals should despise his extravagance, his worship of Mammon, and his lack of any spirituality.

Everyone else should be terrified by a person willing to spout misogyny, duck out of debates like a coward, personally attack those he disagrees with, plaster his name onto everything, flatly lie about empirical reality, make up policies, and his utter lack of any political credentials worth nothing.

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2 votes,
Dec 11, 2016

So without seeing any policy, you think he's a Nazi and a White supremacist? And who are you to judge a person's spirituality, or claim that he worships money, material wealth? Is he wealthy, maybe but so what, it's one of the things I'm working for. Does that mean I worship money or material wealth, no. It's well known I'm an atheist, does that mean I have no spirituality, well give a strict definition of the word, yes, so should I be despised?

No one can stop any group from say who they endorse, or that they should vote for, the Communist Party for example urged their members to vote against Trump. Or in short terms vote for Hillary. Should that be held against her?

Give that the press, you know the people who CLAIM to be unbiased and fair, at times gave Hillary the questions to the debates in advance, gave her every advantage they could wouldn't you be at least a little wary of the debates. Much of the press became almost an arm of elect Hillary campaign. Even when Hillary was avoid the press they gave her a pass, many in the press saw it as their job, not to report the news but to defeat Donald Trump, at any cost.

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2 votes,
Jan 21, 2017

How is President Trump a narcissist? In his inaugural speech, Donald Trump referred to "We" and "us" while barely mentioning himself.

Now compare that with former President obama's speeches where he referred to "Me" and "I" and only talked about others when obama was assigning blame. THAT is narcissism.

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0 votes,
May 24, 2017

Trump's narcissism isn't something that can be debated. He was famous for it as a celebrity, considering his tendency to slap his name on absalutely everything and try to attribute it to "success." There was even a story that came out recently that says that briefs written for the President have to contnually mention the name "Trump," otherwise he gets bored and loses focus.

We could make a list like that for hours, but honestly, we can just look at one of Obama's most famous quotes vs. one of Trump's.

"Yes we can."


"I alone can fix it."

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