3 votes
Jan 23, 2016

One name, Elizabeth Warren. If you don't know who she is, then you don't pay attention to politics. As far as I can tell, she is the only person that cares about middle class America in Washington.

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1 vote,
Jan 23, 2016

Her name came to mind when I first read the question of interst, along with Bernie Sanders (who I also think fits your description of a "person that cares about middle class America in Washington."). However, I fear that she hasn't been in office long enough for me to make a true judgment. I used to like Obama a lot more than I do now, for instance.

1 vote,
Jan 23, 2016

The difference between Warren and Obama is that Warren has been in the national spotlight for much longer than he was. Warren was a champion of the people for at least a decade before she ran for office.

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1 vote,
Jan 23, 2016

Pocahontas? I don't think she is going to be the great politician that you think she might be. Just, look into her more please. I need to look more into her before I would be comfortable making a firm lampooning of her, but she worries me. I am not overly conservative or overly liberal, and for the most part I could be happy with either way, so long as it is done well and honestly. My main problem so far with her is that I don't trust her at all, and what I have learned has shown her to not have much depth and generally be good only at supporting whatever the fashionable cause de jour is, but she seems smarter than that. This leads me to be suspicious of her. She sets off almost all of the alarms in my head the same way that Gingrich did before I knew much about him, but with different window dressing. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but I fear that she is going to be like the Bachman of the left.

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