3 votes
May 21, 2015

There needs to be a fourth option:

Yes, but usually no more than what can be culturally expected.

I can think of only two main stream news sources that are politically biased, and that is FOX News and MSNBC. For better or for worse, the rest are culturally biased.

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0 votes,
May 21, 2015

If you separate the news portion of Fox you'll only get what the other media outlets don't tell you. Other than Fox there is no choice to get news from a different perspective. All you need to do is look back at their coverage of the ACA. Many things they warned about and the others didn't have turned out to be true.

Separate the pundits from the news and Fox isn't really that biased. Far too many see Fox as pundits only and ignore their real news.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

Aside from Breitbart, FrontPage Mag, right-leaning news, right-wing talk radio...'

FOX is the most dishonest news network. Their viewers are routinely the least informed. In fact, it is often the case that FOX viewers are less informed than people who watch no news at all, including about simple empirical facts like whether or not Mubarak was overthrown.

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