1 vote
Nov 1, 2015

A combination of district accountability for federal responsibility(gerrymandering and pork barrel politics), a first past the post voting system(a vote for a third party candidate you prefer is against self interest), and a corrupt campaign finance system.

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0 votes,
Nov 1, 2015

my point is, this is all fixable if people would vote the person not the party. even if you vote strict party, put in a new guy from that party. we have to face facts, it is this screwed up because that is how we want it.

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0 votes,
Nov 1, 2015

Parties aside, with the current voting system, self interest dictates you vote for one of the two candidates most likely to be elected. Here's a video that explains this part of the problem better than I can: youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo

Back to parties: We have many many many politicians in Washington DC, why are there so few third party candidates ever elected? Because we divide the country into small geographical chunks, so that in order for a minority party to elect a candidate, a lot of them have to move into the same district. If your goal is to get rid of political parties, you'll have to let political minorities from more than one district cooperate to elect a representative.

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