4 votes
Oct 9, 2015

When the other party brings corporate shills, and religious nut cases to the voting booth it is not surprising America voted for the 3rd option because the republican party no longer exists.

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0 votes,
Oct 9, 2015

Unfortunately though, the only candidates we see after the primaries are both shills. The nature of the <1% in this nation being the ones to vote on candidates during the primaries is precisely what ensures that all candidates we see are intrinsically linked to corporate interests. In order to successfully emerge from the primaries and have a funded campaign, these candidates must take money from someone - which always comes with strings attached.

If you pay attention to what both parties are doing in politics and read the bills submitted and/or passed, you will likely notice that while the methods used sometimes vary, the goals of both parties are quite frequently the same. At the end of the day, the only real evident difference between the two parties is which companies they directly support.

1 vote,
Oct 9, 2015

My point was that people won't vote for the extreme end of the spectrum, of course both sides offer up shills but the republicans blatantly put up people that are so overly crazy no one could be expected to vote for them. To some degree this may have been an election / primary cycle where the republicans were focused on the states rather than the white house since you need to win the states to push things through anyway.

0 votes,
Oct 9, 2015

This is true. I must say though, that I can at least respect the Republicans for their transparent agenda and sticking to their guns. The Democrats (Obama especially) on the other hand, in some instances are just as extreme but are much better at deception. They will promise to help the little guy, yet behind closed doors pass things that benefit only large corporations and the rich. Overall I'd say this two-party system really isn't working out.

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