4 votes
Sep 5, 2015

The trouble with any "ban on guns" is that it would do nothing to eliminate the millions of guns already in circulation. Unless that issue is also take care of in some way, then banning guns will do little to affect homicides in the short term.

However, almost every other civilized country in the world has proven that a society without guns tends to be a society which has a lot less homicides. Violence will never disappear, and assault will never magically stop, however having access to a gun elevates an argument, or an assault, or a domestic dispute, into a potentially life threatening situation Likewise, a person who attempts suicide using a gun is 80% likely to kill themselves, whereas virtually all other suicide attempts have (on average) only about a 20% success rate. Hence access to a gun is much more likely to turn a suicide attempt into death.

Likewise, a moment of road rage, or drunken stupidity, seems to regularly turn a moment of anger into a shooting.

So Yes, a gun ban would almost certainly reduce homicide attempt rate as has been shown worldwide, however in America it would be impossible to implement anyway.

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1 vote,
Sep 5, 2015

You have no facts to back that up in fact I will tell you about two such locations that killed millions. Germany 1938, and USSR under Stalin and Stalin killed more than Hitler.

main reply
1 vote,
Sep 5, 2015

"a society without guns tends to be a society which has a lot less homicides"

This is a mirage that I have started to challenge.

Did you know that personal gun ownership is legal in the UK? Completely allowed. I think this paints a way for US citizens, who have a constitution that protects the right of self-defense, to consider how our laws can be improved, without going so far as the gun ownership rights that are protected in the UK.

User voted No.
2 votes,
Sep 10, 2015

What about the right to carry a firearm? Because last I was aware that was taken away and crime skyrocketed. The police went from carrying a baton (forget correct term for it) to wanting MP5Ks. Only allowed to have it in the home and when doing allowed activities. Gun control isn't about gun control it is about people control. I thought the US was "the land of the free?"

User voted Yes.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016
User voted Yes.
0 votes,
Oct 4, 2015
User voted Yes.
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0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

Anyone who would propose a gun ban would also propose gun eliminate.

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