1 vote
May 19, 2015

The ISIS army has a very real possibility of turning Iraq into the next Revolutionary Islamic State in the mold of Iran. This would pose a threat to the US and its allies on economic and security interests.

Its my opinion that the US should have settled for a solid 20-30 year occupation like we had in Germany and Japan to prevent this sort of bullshit from happening, but the american people apparently were desperate for the immediate gratification of pulling the troops out ASAP.

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1 vote,
May 19, 2015

Your right about that, but those on the left who have forgotten 911 can not see that.

1 vote,
May 19, 2015

Those on the right have forgotten they were in charge the whole time and never suggested 20 to 30 years was required for stabilization.

We were supposed to be greeted as liberators and then it'd be over. Rumsefield and Cheney laughed when it was suggested it would cost 0 billion and said it'd never cost anywhere near that. TRILLION later, Bush penned the law for having us leave.

In 1994, Cheney even said there was no point in invading Iraq because there's no hope for a stable government afterwards. Then he became a war profiteer and it's been war, war, war ever since. They have no interest in actual peaceful resolutions.

1 vote,
May 19, 2015

Those on the right just believed that those on the left would automatically understand that this was not just and over night thing. Even President Bush said this will a long hard war and they are just not going to go away. Was the left asleep during that speech. As for the Amount of money spent it was a good investment and would have been a better long term if Obama had not withdrawn, just like he is about to do in Afghanistan which will also fall and make no mistake about it they will be back on American Soil again and let see of those of you on the left can remember this day.

User voted No.
0 votes,
Jul 24, 2015

After the end of combat operations, when the US was trying to stabilise the country, there was opportunity for a real peace and stability. This was ruined by American politicians who wanted it all done quickly, and replaced men who had excellent working relationships with Iraqi power groups with political yes-men because things weren't moving fast enough. The US won the war then pissed all over the peace.

0 votes,
May 19, 2015

June, 2005: The insurgency in Iraq is "in the last throes," Vice President Dick Cheney says, and he predicts that the fighting will end before the Bush administration leaves office.


0 votes,
May 19, 2015

A it did end prior to Bush leaving office, but Obama pulls the troops and his interest and it starts again. remember Obama statement Bin Laden is dead and Al-Qaida is gone. Remember Gone no more VP Joe said this was the greatest victor of Obama administration. Gee I guess he was wrong very wrong.

0 votes,
May 19, 2015

So, you agree that Cheney said we'd be out of there and that Bush put us on an exit plan in 2008 that Obama finished in 2011 as planned and agreed upon by everybody. What was Obama's "interest" supposed to be? Organizing cricket matches? Spending another $1 TRILLION to send more troops to die?

0 votes,
May 19, 2015

Regardless of what Bush set up prior to leaving office Obama took command anything that occurred after Bush left is the responsibility of Obama. Lets face it Obama has been supporting these terrorist while they were in Syria for some unknown reason I don't understand at one point he was willing to provide air support, but Putin put Obama in his place. The responsibility for Iraq today is Obama

0 votes,
May 19, 2015

Because you are confusing "these terrorists" with ISIS/ISIL. The original support of rebels in Syria was vague and disliked precisely because "rebels" encompassed so many groups the BBC put the factions at over 100, with ISIS being only 1 of those. It was never clear what faction Obama wanted to support and so we've taken no sides. The responsibility for Iraq today is Iraq. We've been gone 3 years. We are not the world's border police.

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0 votes,
Nov 16, 2015

nobody learned crap from vietnam . as soon as we were gone poof isis. as soon as we pulled out of nam poof communism. isis is by far worse. why didnt the people see that coming? ppl just dont understand "how it is" , the bottom line way craps gonna hit the ground. i dont want my kid to die in a forien country possibly for nothing, but if he decides to join the military, i have to accept the fact that fate may become reality. I CAN RESPECT THAT, i dont have to like it , but he has to make his own decisions in life better or worse. if my son had died in the middle east id be so pissed because look today , it would have been for nothing. two generals lost thier job telling obama he was making a huge mistake,as well as the troops on the ground voiced the same opinion to stay and finish the fight. if your child enlists he may lose his life. thats a fact of life. the only thing the military garantees is a coffin and maybe a medal. they are the force known globally as the best . ppl need to act like thier kids are the badasses they are , and show them respect x10- when they are discharged. ppl need to get with the show.

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