5 votes
May 2, 2015

Being exposed to violence in video games will, long-term or short, cause children to adhere to violent behavior. It's like moving from Texas to New York. When you first move, you may have a Texas accent. After living there for long enough, you'll start to have a New York accent. People, human beings, adapt to their environment, their surroundings. Playing video games with violence will cause a child to reveal a violent nature. Some kids more than others. Those who are naturally aggressive are still going to show more of an aggressive behavior.

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4 votes,
May 2, 2015

You're exaggerating. Playing the video games actually has a very slight calming effect on youths. It helps to reduce aggressive and bullying behavior. Violent games can help to relieve stress. Violent video games do not turn innocent gamers into killers but if an individual who cannot distinguish between reality and virtual reality becomes obsessed with violence, the active role they assume as the game player can pose a more real threat.

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