User voted Yes.
3 votes
Jan 1, 2016

Immigration into all western culture has become nothing more than a cleverly waged invasion for the sole purpose of conquering the host nation. The end result will be that we in the west will soon wake up one morning to find that we live in a nation state of Islam.

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1 vote,
Jan 2, 2016

I would like to point out that I did not downvote this opinion because I disagree with it, but because it is rather speculative (at best) and not founded on arguments, yet presented as a fact. This website is designed for people to share their opinions, and as has been pointed out at another topic; opinions should be arguable.

I can only say that "cleverly waged invasion" does no justice to the loss of human lives based on their differing beliefs and practices within the Islam (or any religion), and their attempts to flee from violence when at the same time a better life is promised elsewhere (since their economy practically revolves around that idea). Also this defeatist attitude would allow yourself to be conquered by anyone.

User voted Yes.
1 vote,
Jan 2, 2016






It all depends on who one wishes to believe. I believe that the theocracy of Islam is waging a cultural invasion of the west. Islam is a theocracy. A theocracy is a form of government. My country's form of government is a democratic republic and our rule of law is the U.S. Constitution. The Arab nations belong to a theocratic form of government which they call Islam. It's rule of law is Sharia.

linked reply
0 votes,
Jul 13, 2016

Did this Islamic theocracy get the U.S. to invade Iraq and Libya and to demonize and murder Muslims in the region? Because that's one of the key causes of the refugee crisis. Seems like an incredibly risky and dangerous plan if you're someone who wants Muslim ascendancy and you had the resources of a unified billion people to work with.

It's interesting, of course, that our government of "democratic republic" virtually never implements the policy preferences of its people and violates the Constitution by violating international law repeatedly. Seems like there's a rule of law that the U.S. has that is not just a cultural but a literal invasion of the Muslim world. Is your position that Muslims should roll over and let themselves be murdered and robbed by Americans?

1 vote,
Jan 2, 2016

It's not only a matter of believing; in Europe (since that is what the topic is about), depending on the country, ample first-hand accounts exist that would render some speculation/beliefs obsolete. As part of the Western culture as you claim that "is being invaded for the sole purpose of conquering the host nation", speaking as a European I would rather say that (im)migrants have enriched our culture rather than destroyed it.

Like the subquestion asks: in your opinion, do you think that "some country or organization has planned the 2015 European migrant crisis in order to destabilize Europe/World?" Seems rather farfetched, Eurocentric and retrospective to me.

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