User voted Yes.
3 votes
Oct 3, 2015

I strongly believe that Adblockers are good and everyone should use them. Here is why:

1) Ads are not only annoying but also a serious security risk. Criminals regular abuse java-script or flash ads to distribute malware.

2) The Ad business is currently dominated by some major players whose market power will grow and who can obtain power over the content providers.

3) It is just now worse viewing Ads. A typical internet user generates less then 1 euro per month of money by consuming ads. One can view this euro as a donation to content providers (e.g. the websites you visit, the videos you watch). But I think it is just not worse my time to consume ads all month for such a small micropay.

As for the Websites I do think they should get some support for getting them running. But not with Ads. I would rather pay 1 or 2 Euros (or even up to 5 Euros) per month and let some trusted provider distribute the money among the content I consume then doing this micro payment via Ads. The only problem with this is, that there is no widely used infrastructure for micro payment on the internet. But I believe, if a majority would start using Adblockers people will come up with a solution on how to finance Websites. That is why I think that everyone should start using Adblockers right now.

Reply to this opinion
main reply
0 votes,
Oct 21, 2015

@1. Java and flash are both a security risk, not ads.

@3. Remember that there are thousands of peole generating that 1 EUR for the site, it ads up.

There is no need for a seperate company for those microtransactions, all that a site has to do is to detect an ad-blocker and dispaly a "donate" button. Easy.

linked reply
0 votes,
May 13, 2016

Ha. Ha. "it ads up" I see what you did there

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