Why is it that we have three branches of government, each designed as a check on the other, and yet against their designer’s wishes, 80% are in the same hands of one profession—lawyers?

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1 vote
Jun 24, 2015

It is a common mistake to believe that one must be a lawyer to make laws. Small businesses create 63% of all laws and they only make common sense rules on how they run their businesses. If these self imposed rules do not work they go out of business. Lawyers in our govt on the other hand make rules and the more complicated they are the more their profession benefits; the more inefficient they are the more they benefit as they are paid by the hour; the more contention they cause the more they benefit. Doing what they do is an inherent conflict of interest. I guess we should have builders writing the building codes as of course they have the most experience there.
go to legalreform-now.org or voteforvern.com

Vern Wuensche

2 votes
Jun 24, 2015

Because in a very simplified sense the purpose of government is to create and administer laws and thus lawyers are naturally most suited to that task. Who else would you have do it, a plumber?

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1 vote,
Jun 24, 2015

If the law is about plumbing, I would much rather have a plumber vetting the language and purpose of the law than a lawyer. Lawyers don't know anything about plumbing.

0 votes
Jun 24, 2015

The more-promising strategy for this thinking is, probably, to find a way to involve more (disparate) points of view — in addition to those who are skilled in the law.

0 votes
Jun 24, 2015

Society has chosen to have spokes persons to defend their views. The most highly trained vocation are lawyers. They are the greatest communicators. The common voice is silenced by the power of special interest and yes they do influence decisions. There is no checks for influence to buy the vote. It works well and not to our advantage. I think it is good to have Lawyers voice the opinion of their constituents.

0 votes
Jun 24, 2015

Knowledge of the Law is important to be a leader - otherwise a leader has to rely on advise from other people who may have their own agenda.

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0 votes,
Jun 24, 2015

How about going to lawyers as advisors to you not as making up 80% of our leaders. It is obvious to me that those responding to the question have never run anything or owned a business.

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