2 votes
May 15, 2015

Life starts at the point of conception, whether you believe in God or not. By allowing abortion, we are allowing murder to occur, simply because someone does not want the "burden", and we are dividing ourselves into a double standard nation. If I shot a pregnant woman I would be charged with two murders, not just one. I can't understand why abortions aren't considered a murder. The fact that a woman doesn't want the child doesn't take away the value of life of her unborn child. There is always adoption.

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0 votes,
Jun 7, 2015

And what if my mom had gone to term? The fetus had a less than 1% chance of survival. If my mom had gone to term, the same would have been true of her.

Are you saying a woman should sacrifice her life and leave two children motherless to give birth to a fetus with next to no chance of survival?

It broke my mom's heart to have an abortion, but she saw the alternative as worse.

0 votes,
Aug 9, 2015

When the choice is between the mother's right to live and the baby's right to live, I could see one justifying an abortion.

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