To provide for parental notification and intervention in the case of an unemancipated minor seeking an abortion.

Summary: Prohibits any person or organization in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, or who solicits or accepts federal funds, from performing, permitting facilities to be used to perform, or assisting in the performance of an abortion on an unemancipated minor unless: (1) written notification is provided to the parents of the minor informing them that an abortion has been requested, unless there is clear and convincing evidence of physical abuse of the minor by such parent; (2) there is compliance with a 96-hour waiting period after any required notice has been received by the parents; and (3) there is compliance with any injunction granted by a federal district court if a notified parent initiates a judicial intervention process to enjoin the abortion. Prescribes penalties of not more than a $100,000 fine and/or imprisonment for not more than one year for each willful violation.

Provides for an exception from such parental notification requirements if a physician (other than the physician with principal responsibility for making the decision to perform the abortion) determines that: (1) a medical emergency exists that would result in the minor's death if her condition were not immediately treated, even though the treatment may result in the death of her unborn child; (2) parental notification is not possible as a result of the emergency; and (3) certifications regarding compliance with such rules and the reasons upon which such determinations are based have been entered in the minor's medical records.

Requires parental notification through certified mail or personal delivery.

Defines "parent" to include any legal guardian of an unemancipated minor.

Authorizes a notified parent to bring an action in federal court which shall enjoin the abortion: (1) until the court's judgment is final, or (2) permanently unless the court determines that granting such relief would be unlawful.

Prohibits this Act from being construed to preempt any state law that establishes, implements, or continues in effect greater parental notification requirements or intervention rights regarding abortion. More:

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1 vote
Jun 13, 2015

I find it legally inconsistent (to say the least) that minors can have abortions without the consent of their parents. A doctor needs parental permission for all non-emergency medical procedures to be performed on a minor EXCEPT abortion. These same minors are not allowed to drink, smoke, or vote because they are deemed too immature. Before age 17, they are not deemed of legal age to consent to sex in some states, but in this one magical instance, they are deemed old enough and responsible enough to make such a decision.

That having been said, we have a responsibility as a society to protect these minors from unwanted pregnancy in the first place, as well as for the care of children born to these minors. We hold girls responsible for "being careful" and not getting pregnant, and we hold them responsible for raising those children without going on welfare, but we don't hold boys responsible, either legally or as a societal norm for impregnating girls, or for the care of the children that they have fathered.

Neither do we take accusations of rape as seriously as they ought to be taken. Indeed, the burden of proof is such that a girl/woman has to prove that it WAS rape, and not consensual sex. Can you imagine an accused mugger taking the stand and saying, "I didn't mug the guy; I was panhandling. He just likes it rough. That's why I beat him up when I took his money."? And yet the "she likes it rough" defense is used by rapists to explain the woman's injuries in court cases all the time. In short, if you don't want minors seeking abortions, you have to hold the male of the species, both men and boys, more accountable for our actions.

1 vote
Jun 13, 2015

Funny thing in this country you can go to jail for not caring for your children, but if they want an abortion you have no right to intervene, or even be notified but yet you are held responsible. You on the left can not have it both ways either give up one or the other.

0 votes
Jun 13, 2015

Since when was a law needed, of this sort, for MINOR children?

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