User voted No.
3 votes
Jul 20, 2015

I do not support strict punishment for animal abuse. Horses, for example, still pull plows, carry heavy loads, and move people around. A certain kind of person (whom I will not call out here) would deem that abuse and would seek to punish strictly. The problem with strict punishment is it becomes a "zero tolerance policy" like in schools and then the law gets perverted into scripture where even simple, harmless, mistakes are punished.

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User voted Yes.
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1 vote,
Aug 17, 2016

No reasonable person would call a well-fed horse pulling a plow animal abuse. By that logic, it's not possible to have strict laws against murder because some individuals view abortion as murder. Certainly strictly punishing dogfighting would not lend itself to any more abuse than any other law.

main reply
1 vote,
Jul 20, 2015

As with any Laws they will receive a fair trial in which the level of 'Punishment' would be assessed and administered by qualified legal professionals. If we are assuming one has some level of belief in the system. As such...the purpose of administering punishment to animal abusers should be fully supported given that in Mental Health.studies, people capable of 'severe' animal abuse tend to have psychpathic traits that often.go unidentified for a multitude of reasons i wont go into here, not least the police system being unable to deyect potentially mentally unstable people when attending a reported incident. Second validating point.to my support, is the brutality involved in the animal food and medical experimental industry i.e i have witnessed a 'doctor' repeatedly punch a small dog in the face and kidneys because it kept wiggling and screaming when he injected its eyeballs a cosmetically surfacent acid. by setting strict guidelines and punishment to those trialled and found guilry we are sending the message out to such brutal people, that they can no longer do this behind closed doors as someone may be watching and the risk of getting caught is too high a price i.e the kroatian man whorunning.Romanias dog shelter wjo killed 15000 dogs has been fined 55000 pounds and received 55 years in prison as he was deemed unfit for human society. i would support that punishment holeheartedly.

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