0 votes
Jun 11, 2016

I'll be completely honest. I don't believe in him because all the crap I'm currently experiencing. If he was indeed real, why didn't he help me during all the tough times I've had? I'm sorry, but if he was, then I would've ended this a long time ago. Why live long enough knowing you suffer every day?

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2 votes,
Jun 11, 2016

So if things were well with you, you would believe he existed at all?

User voted Yes, and he was a normal human being.
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0 votes,
Jul 22, 2016

Do you not believe in President Obama's existence because he didn't help you?

User voted No, Jesus is just a fictional character.
0 votes,
Sep 15, 2016

I believe Obama exists because of strong supporting evidence. The one thing people truly have that makes them believe in God is faith in a ~1900 year old book that has been heavily edited/translated. No faith = no belief that he exists.

I was semi-religious when I was a child since some people in my family are, but I went through some crap that rocked the shaky foundations my faith was built on and I now no longer believe in a god, at least not in the normal way.

User voted Yes, and he was a normal human being.
0 votes,
Sep 15, 2016

I get the distinction, Alex, but my point is that Ken's argument is ludicrous. Just because someone doesn't help you doesn't mean that the historical person or the religious construct didn't exist. What does imply that is that there is zero evidence of any kind of divine phenomena whatsoever and plenty of counter-evidence against such things.

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