User voted No, it wasn't fair.
3 votes
May 16, 2015

Well, I'm going to throw away my love for my country for now, just for this opinion. I am aware it was a joke, (even though Poland is always the laughing stock of Europe, which annoys me) but it was a weak response to a structured argument.

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User voted No, it wasn't fair.
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1 vote,
Aug 27, 2015

Regarding Poland as a laughing stock, I thought that it might help to know that in the Netherlands, Polish immigrants are increasingly regarded as nice, good and hardworking people who are actually able to have a good time. A while back, a newsarticle was dedicated to the fact how well-mannered and fun people from Poland are when they go out (especially compared to Dutch people in discotheques)[1].

1 vote,
Aug 28, 2015

Good to know. Especially that I remember that few years ago some crazy Dutch politician... let me google his name... Geert Wilders and his party PVV lanuched a website against Polish immigrants (not only Polish, it was about immigrants from eastern Europe probably). Basically it was (or is) a website to file complaints against the immigrants and their inappropriate behavior. It was quite a thing in Poland - to the point that a Polish comedian Szymon Majewski told the viewers of his live show (3mln audience) to go to the website and file a complaint at the same time... You can imagine that the website went down :).

In Poland we have these stereotypes that if someone goes to Holland, it's
a) to smoke pot
b) to marry a gay partner :)

And we like Holland in general.

User voted No, it wasn't fair.
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0 votes,
Aug 30, 2015

That also is good to know. :) Thanks.

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