2 votes
Jun 12, 2015

I am a person who cares about what I put in my body. I read labels, I research what goes into my body and I do my best to eat wholesome, clean and nutritious food. If large food companies/producers want a piece of my food budget they will have to label, and label accurately - otherwise the hundreds of dollars I have to spend on food will continue to go to my local co-op and farmer's markets. Labeling is good for everyone, it will reinstate a level of trust between food companies and consumers that is currently lacking.

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1 vote,
Jun 12, 2015

Fantastic statement. Do you feel that the invisible hand will take care of this, or is a federal law required?

1 vote,
Jun 12, 2015

So far the "invisible hand" of the market is failing us. If the market was responsive to consumer desires we would not have seen an all out battle in California and Washington to stop labeling. Obviously the industry is protecting itself and its current business model - it in not shifting to accommodate consumer wishes. On the other hand, using federal law to demand fair labeling practices sounds good, but may also be a toothless enterprise considering the extent of regulatory capture, and the ability of lobbyist to gut any real legislation that might demand corporate accountability.

I don't have an answer regarding exact policy choices....but I heavily boycott companies and products who are disrespectful to consumers.

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