9 votes
May 15, 2015

Women should have a right to choose if they get pregnant because it is their body and we cannot dictate what they do with them. In most cases it is safer for a woman to get an abortion than give birth to the child. Especially in the case of women who are sick health wise already and in cases of incest and rape.

To every person who argues that it is selfish, aren't you being selfish for your own belief? If you are personally against abortion, that's fine, but it doesn't mean you should control others lives because in the end you are NOT the one who will be affected. Think of the child first of all. They would be put up for adoption and or in the foster care system. Not everyone can be a foster parent. How many people who preach that adoption should be illegal go out of their way to actually adopt a child? If it were illegal the government would be overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of new foster children the states would have to support.

Then consider the woman and her family. If they can't afford to take care of the baby they should have the choice to abort. Do we really want to force more kids into poverty? It wouldn't be fair to them or their mothers, especially to mothers who give birth and are forced to give up their baby for adoption because they are too unfit to care for them, but still love and want their children because pro lifers think giving up your baby that you can't take care of is so easy. Or to a woman who was raped and suffered through depression until ultimately killing herself because she couldn't bear to bring her rapist's child into the world.

Abortion should remain legal because if you think about most people who try to argue against this in government are MEN when WOMEN are the ones that are affected. A fetus is only able to live because it is attached to the womb of the mother; therefore, any claim to a "right" to live must necessarily be at the expense of the woman. It is not independent. I believe that after a certain amount of time such as after the first 3-4 months when the fetus is beginning to take human form and eventually move around that abortion should be restricted and limited. Would you rather save an embryo in a petri dish or a crying 1 year old baby?

For every person who argues that abortion should be illegal, are you willing to be responsible for the health of the woman or help take care of her child?

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3 votes,
May 15, 2015

I have respect for your argument, but I have to disagree.

1. It bothers me when people say "A woman has a right to their own body." Well, a fetus is not their own body, it is a new human being. The right to life should be way more prioritized.
2. When people compare adoption and abortion and support abortion, I can't understand. Let's say you got an abortion, or an adoption. What would you feel better with having done, killing a baby, or giving it away to a loving family?

I can go on more, but that's just a little input.

2 votes,
May 15, 2015

What would you feel better with having done, killing a baby, or giving it away to a loving family?

Why is it the anti-abortion people never actually adopt any of these unwanted children, and never do anything to help pregnant teenagers? Many times, abortions are done by teenage girls who, if they don't get an abortion, will be thrown out of their house by their judgmental parents. Where are these girls supposed to go? You never see the anti-abortion crowd setting up safehouses to provide room and board for these girls, give them money for college, help them get a new start on life, etc.

0 votes,
May 15, 2015

Actually they do help, and more than those that want abortions. And they are doing things, they are telling you not to have unprotected sex! and to make better choices. The rest of your rant suggest we should reward these girls, helping them is one thing but you want the world to stop for these girls and give them a better chance then.. what, their own children, what about the ones that didn't screw up their life and burden everyone else with their illegitimate children huh. what about helping them.

0 votes,
May 15, 2015

Sounds like you're a misogynist. As usual, there's no mention here about the sperm donors and their responsibility, you just place the blame all on the women.

linked reply
0 votes,
May 15, 2015

What happened to the Liberal mantra "It's my body", It is only his responsibility once you willingly let a guy ejaculate in you, if he is trusting the woman to do the right thing and she doesn't, then that's a failure on his part and he has NO CONTROL after that. (now expand on that idea and the rest of this answer) Who the heck would keep a baby from a one night stand. and yeah he should be punished with child support if she chooses to have the kid. See that is sharing the responsibility for your actions on both sides. But the choice is ultimately hers! before she had sex and after. Encase you still don't get it... it is HER RESPONSIBILITY.

0 votes,
May 15, 2015

All of your arguements are not even arguments, they're and ad-hominems directed at a straw-man.

Even anti-abortion politicians, of all people, actually fail to represent your straw-man, with several I can name off the top of my head having large numbers of adopted children.

The OP has some points, however, regarding the adoption system in the US. That needs a major overhaul. It's somewhat rediculous that it's easier to adopt a child from ANOTHER COUNTRY and bring them to the US than it is to adopt an american child.

1 vote,
May 15, 2015

A few politicians adopting healthy, "adoptable" (read: white) babies doesn't help much with all the unhealthy, "unadoptable" (read: black, mixed-race, crack-babies, etc.) that no one wants to adopt. What's your solution for them? Force the dirt-poor single mothers to raise them somehow?

Also, how many babies have you adopted? If the answer is zero, then you're probably a hypocrite.

0 votes,
May 15, 2015

Also false. Just off the top of my head I can remember a recent flap in the media about some idiot leftist host making an inappropriate joke about Romney's black son.

And, no I haven't adopted any children, yet. I'm not in a position to. Neither have I produced any children that I'm unwilling or unable to support on my own. I do intend to adopt when I am able, as well as have my own biological children, when I am ready to support them.

Your continued ad-hominems don't do your position any credit.

User voted No.
1 vote,
Nov 21, 2015

If abortion was illegal, I would have grown up without a mother. That's the only argument I need. I don't know the details about what was wrong. I don't need to. What I do know is this:

  • A single woman with two children, using protection.
  • The baby had appx a 1% chance of survival.
  • If she had given birth, she had a 0.5% chance of survival or less.
User voted Yes.
0 votes,
Oct 13, 2015

"What would you feel better with having done, killing a baby, or giving it away to a loving family?"

I find this statement to be a fallacy in regards to the topic at hand. The American foster care is in shambles, and abuse persists in foster care families. The chance that a baby at an orphanage would be adopted to a loving family would be incredibly low, if not impossible.

A fetus is not technically a baby. That's why it's called a fetus. If a mother can legally abandon a baby to an orphanage, why can it not spare the baby the troubles of life by performing an abortion, before the baby gains conscious thought?

A baby, when born, is still developing it's brain. Typically, it cannot start making concrete memories and thoughts until about 30 months.

"A fetus is not their own body". You're right on this one. A fetus is merely INSIDE the woman's body, created by that woman's body. Therefore, the fetus is technically a construct of the woman.

I respect your arguments, but I believe that your arguments could use some work. Abortion for the sake of the woman must be legal if we are to respect the rights of the woman.

main reply
1 vote,
Aug 24, 2015

Abortion, well; it could be said to be both right and wrong.

My view on it;
Let's break it down into simple terms
Abortion is basically "denying" life to what I'd say could be an upcoming being. We all know that giving birth can "kill" you and that it's sometimes painful, unsafe, and all. Nobody sane would like to kill another being or take life away from anyone (as long as there isn't a need or a reason to).
I believe that abortion should be legal for some of the simplest reasons. Because of the world we live in.
Everything has a price, and mainting yourself isn't easy, and mainting a family and a baby/kid isn't easy either. There's a lot of work you've got to do already, and if you're in a bad economic situation or just can't handle raising a kid, why would you even do it?
We all know rape sadly exists, and we all know "protection" can sometimes fail aswell (without having in mind these people that do not care at all). But, let's say abortion is illegal.
We all have rights when we're young, we've all got to learn and experiment - but what happens when we can't fully go through or basic development? If abortion was illegal, what would prevent a kid from having to go through and suffering living an indecent life, with maybe unloving parents, or a horrible home & situation. Lack of money, lack of care, lack of... well, "construction" of yourself.

What I do not agree with is the people going around like "I aborted" / "I aborted and I liked it." and so on, that's absolutely unnecesary, and just as we have to respect others opinions, we don't have to publicly shove it on other's peoples faces or force them into it.
If you abort that "baby", you need to make sure it's early. When it hasn't even grown or developed as a being at all, while it is unconscious, while it cant feel, or think. While it's still in it's completely basic development. Otherwise, it shouldn't be done and the family should wait.
If the family can't handle the baby, they should give it away to a loving family that could handle it and make sure it lives the life we're all meant to live.
There's nothing wrong with abortion itself, what's wrong is the way it can be used in, and the ways people use it in. By this I mean, people should think of way X person decides to abort. If you weren't careful... that's your fault. If it was yet another case of rape, allow it. If they can't handle it, allow it. If it was an accident, allow it. And so on.

It depends on the woman for a limited amount of time. Adoption is complicated, abortion is complicated, and raising a child is also complicated. It's complicated to be safe and avoid it (if you have to) aswell. I may not have the best way to convey this, or not know everything... but this is just what I can think of for now.

Conclusion; I believe it should be legal under certain circumstances and approval.

main reply
0 votes,
Aug 9, 2015

Dependence on another individual does not make anybody less human. Humans are scientifically defined by their nature, and have inherent rights, the most significant of which is the right to life. If the woman cannot support the child financially, then she either should adopt or just not have sex in the first place (if it's rape, which only accounts for <1% of abortions anyway, the latter does not apply).

As for the "selfish/belief" comment, you would never ever ever make that same argument for murder. Ever. Murder is defined as the intentional killing of an innocent human being. Abortion is, by definition, murder.

As for the last point, our society isn't responsible for the health of the people who want to murder someone else, but won't because it is illegal.

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