1 vote
Apr 15, 2015

If I had to pick an age it would be 16. I have a bigger problem if one party is 18 or older and the other is 16 and younger. I would hate to see a couples lives ruined if a 15 and 14 year old with birthdays within 6 months of each other have sex. Until someone is at least 18 I am not sure you really know what you are doing when it comes to love/lust. Heck some people older then 30 do crazy things good and bad when it comes to sex. The other problem I have is the male always gets the blame if they are under age even if it was the female pushing the idea.

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2 votes,
Apr 15, 2015

As a father and grandfather I think that the age of consent cannot be a public opinion, but is a family concern. No stranger can realize the emotions of growing into an adult as location is never the same.Religion, population, family, income, education, ect. So I'll have to agree with you. If I had to pick an age, it would be 16.

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