2 votes
Apr 5, 2015

Note that for evolution to happen you need two things.

1. You need to have heritable features and either genetic mixing or errors in copying.

2. You need some sort of "pressure" ie, not every living thing will procreate equally, but those with certain feature will procreate more.

If you have both of these things, and we do, then you will get evolution. It's an unavoidable certain effect of the above two situations. Denying evolution is therefor on the level of denying that 1+1 = 2.

This does not prevent there being a creator, or somebody guiding the evolution. Realizing this is Darwins great achievement. (He didn't discover that animal evolved, scientists already knew that, the question was how and why).

Evolution doesn't even contradict creationism. The world could have been created 6000 years ago, or even 10 seconds ago, and evolution would still be a fact. Claiming that evolution is fiction or just a hypothesis is therefore just silly.

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0 votes,
Apr 5, 2015

I am still waiting for squirrels, which have heritable features, and face the constant pressure of oncoming traffic, to evolve to the point where they can instinctively run straight across a street instead of stopping in the middle and getting run over. They have had over a hundred years of incessant breeding and show zero sign of selective procreation. Maybe in two hundred years, or a million.

User voted It's a fact (theory that is true).
0 votes,
Apr 5, 2016

"heritable features, and face the constant pressure of oncoming traffic"

First squirrels don't face constant pressure of oncoming traffic, it's an occasional danger, and in the wild stopping in the middle of a wide open area gives squirrels a chance to see predators, and cars don't act like predators, cars act like herd animals, more than anything else. So why be afraid of a cow, a horse or anything else that doesn't eat you, yes they all can and have stepped on squirrels and killed them, but all in all they aren't the real danger to a squirrel, now if cars acted more like foxes; bobcats or hawks, they'd runaway and fast.

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