3 votes
Jan 12, 2016

No. My phone holds about as much personal data as my house does. Opening that up for random at-will searches completely destroys any form of privacy

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User voted No.
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2 votes,
Jan 12, 2016

No, after you're arrested they police can secure the phone and get a warrant, there is no reason to search the phone without one. And in fact if the police had to go to a judge to get a warrant odds are in many cases they couldn't get one. Right now the police can search your phone if you get arrested for jay walking, think about that, you commit a minor offense and the police then have a right to search something that has nothing to do with your crime.

So here's what I tell people, lock your phone with a password and download software that will erase your phone if the password is enter wrong x number of times, and if arrested "forget" you password .

main reply
3 votes,
Jan 12, 2016

Agreed. A cell phone is no different than someone carrying a briefcase. The briefcase is not searchable without a warrant, the owner's permission or probable cause (and then only with special circumstances). The fact that a cell phone can be wiped with a keystroke is immaterial in my opinion.

0 votes,
Jan 12, 2016

Agreed . A cell phone should be covered in the " a person shall be secure in their person , property , and papers " . It is after all a different form of storing information as is a file written with quiver and ink ....
The 2nd , 4th , 5th . 9th , and 10th amendments seem to be the target of the globalist Fascists / UN .

Sorry about leaving out the 1st but I just assumed with Obama silencing whistleblowers and the media and the not - so - Supreme court ruling money was speech the 1st is pretty much gone .
Even the BLM set up a " Free Speech Zone " so they could kill some beef cattle .
Do Not Cross ( your federal government at work ) . No cameras allowed beyond this point ....

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