0 votes
May 7, 2015

Reduce the population.
Most of you want to blame the Rich, yeah that's been tried since the dawn of time. The way I see it there is no opportunity for growth anymore, and these Rich people just happen to have been at the start. It is also hard to come up with something new people will want, so starting your own company isn't going to do well when someone else with capital and the means to lose a lot without going completely bankrupt can do it better than you..

Some of you believe it's from lack of education... ok lets carry that idea to the extreme....
Imagine a world full of Albert Einstein, do you think this person will be happy cleaning toilets for the rest of his life, because someone has to do it, if everyone is educated, the only thing you're going to see is higher crimes rates with very cunning lethal criminals and more suicides.

But none of that would solve the poor people problem... other than them not existing in the first place.

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main reply
1 vote,
May 7, 2015

Is this satirical? You do know that literary works like A Modest Proposal were jokes right?

linked reply
0 votes,
May 7, 2015

My example is satirical, but it is reality wouldn't you say...

main reply
1 vote,
May 7, 2015

But if we reduce the number of poor who will service in the military and protect your sorry back side.

1 vote,
May 7, 2015

That doesn't make sense, unless you think only poor people have a sense of duty to ones country. There are lots of well off people that serve in the armed forces.

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