10 votes
Apr 17, 2015

Who voted 'no' in there? The bible says that god sent humans to earth, which were Adam and Eva, and not that they were monkeys before and evolved. So it denies the Bible.

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0 votes,
Apr 17, 2015

Beliefs have involved over time mainly to support those in power or want power. If you look hard enough almost everything said in the Bible is contradicted in another section. Many books were thrown out because they did not support the powers to be at the time.
Personally I hold very deep beliefs mainly in the New Testament and I also belief in evolution. I think God is very good at science. Genesis was written years after the week God did everything so maybe what we see written down was wrong. I can go with Day being a long period instead of 24 hours. Just remember religious leaders believed the earth was flat for a long time.

If you want to quote the Bible then more religious wealthy people need to follow Jesus on Mark 10: 20-21 about giving up your wealth and follow me.

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2 votes,
Apr 17, 2015

the Theory of evolution sez nothing about the existence of the Bible. However Darwin was a deeply Christian man so he believed in the existence of the Bible and that the Bible had evolved.

0 votes,
Apr 17, 2015

But it denies the things that stand in the bible, indirectly.

1 vote,
Apr 17, 2015

I was being snarky.

the question "Does the theory of evolution deny the Bible" is too ridiculous for me.

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1 vote,
Apr 17, 2015

That depends on whether you consider the Bible a living text or absolute law.

1 vote,
Apr 17, 2015

Or, just one of many attempts by ancient people to explain things they didn't understand.

User voted No.
0 votes,
Jun 7, 2015

Like science?

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1 vote,
Apr 17, 2015

If you look at the Bible as solely a historical document, then sure, evolution and the Bible don't mix.

But it's not meant to be read that way. The point of Genesis isn't "Here's these historical facts," in the same way that the story about Mr. Rogers getting his car stolen, only to have it returned by regretful thieves, isn't a literal truth. The purpose of Genesis is to tell us truth, not facts, and they can be different things.

For example, the phrase, "Bob would give you the shirt off his back," doesn't mean Bob's going to walk around shirtless anytime someone asks for it, but it's still "true" in that it tells us the true character of Bob.

User voted Yes.
0 votes,
Sep 15, 2016

That whole "It's not literal" thing doesn't just contradict those who insist otherwise but the very clear anthropology and religion work that shows that, yes, the Jews really did believe that story. Genesis 1 is not a dumb account, actually: it was based on the best of Babylonian astronomy. There was a point in time where people really did believe that there was a firmament and that the world was in water: it actually explains rains and the seeming barrier of the sky and all sorts of things. We can even see this in Josephus, whose history of the world begins with Biblical creation and who includes Hercules in his myths. While people did think of sacred and natural history as being somewhat distinct, they didn't perfectly keep them compartmentalized.

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4 votes,
Apr 17, 2015

While I believe that the Bible as written and normally interpreted is garbage, it can certainly be interpreted as supporting evolution, and many Christians do interpret it that way.

Yes, it states that God created heaven and earth, and placed Adam and Eve on it. Doesn't say how long that took (it speaks of "days" but doesn't define whether that is same as how we currently define a day), nor does it specify the mechanism that he used to make Adam and Eve. But if you allow him/her/it several billion years to do the job, then that allows evolution to be the mechanism.

However, you really don't need evolution to deny the Bible, it does a good enough job of denying its own reality anyway, with contradictions, unverifiable claims, scientifically provable "inaccuracies" etc..

2 votes,
Apr 17, 2015

If we are willing to imagine that "seven days" might not mean seven actual days in order to reconcile the Bible with reality, then the whole discussion becomes an exercise in imagination. Adam and Eve could be metaphors for two ancient nations. The serpent could be oppressive trade tariffs. Noah could be a guy who collects figurines.

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4 votes,
Apr 17, 2015

In my opinion the theory of evolution basically calls God a liar. I think this because Genesis 2:20 says: King James Bible And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field and Genesis 2:2 says: King James Bible And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. These scriptures indicated to me that this is a done deal that there is nothing new under the sun Ecclesiastes 1:9 King James Version (KJV) The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun..

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