3 votes
Apr 13, 2015

No. It would be a clear violation of privacy rights we all have, the rights we always should have, no matter how far the technology goes. Unfortunately, if something can be created, then no matter how much immoral consequences it may bring, there will be a day, and there will be a person who will create it (legally or illegally). I'm not saying that Google Glass is something really dangerous, my point is that we have to observe the technology really carefully and be ready to add new laws to ensure this world is going to be a place worth living. I would hate being unsure whether someone is secretly filming me while I'm drinking my coffee.

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1 vote,
Apr 13, 2015

You are in a public place, what privacy is someone filming you violating?

I personally think it is quite the opposite.

If you could convince me that some actual right of mine is being violated when I am being filmed, then I would consider changing my stance.

However, as of now, I think it is unethical to deny someone the right to do what they want in public when those actions don't violate your rights. This protection would simply exist to stop people from feeling uncomfortable, while the right to always feel comfortable does not exist.

On top of that, I think we even have an ethical obligation to allow full protections to people recording others on public property, mainly for prosperity reasons, but also as protection from corruption and abuses by everyone and anyone.

main reply
1 vote,
Apr 13, 2015

We have no clear expectation of privacy in public. There exists no law that grants you such robust privacy rights. In fact, the supreme court has rejected complaints by police against citizens who want to film them. It seems that we can, and no one in public has a reasonable expectation of privacy....even if you 'think' that you are alone.


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