User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the liberal.
5 votes
May 21, 2015

Of course there is bias in the media, and it's not hard to prove, remember Trayvon Martin? How about Christopher Cervini? Here's the bare bones of both cases, a man shot and unarmed teen, in both cases 911 had been called to report suspicious activity, in both cases the shooter confronted the suspect before the police arrived, in both cases the shooter said the felt threatened and fired in self-defense. There were some differences, in the Trayvon Martin case the shooter was "white" in the with the Christopher Cervini the shooter was black. Also in the Christopher Cervini case there were two other teens that scattered away from the shooter.

Now how much press did Christopher Cervini get? Not much, you may have heard about it on Facebook or other social media, but the press hardly mentioned. the case. With Trayvon Martin we heard and are still hearing about the case months after it happened. The press wanted the play the race card, Trayvon fit while Christopher didn't simple.

Trust me all media is bias, the fictions of the unbiased reporting is and always has been fiction, we don't and have never got who, what, when, where, why, we get news filter and twisted to show the point of view of whoever is reporting on it.

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User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
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0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

Funny, because the media barely reported the Justice Department report on Ferguson, or the illegal way that blacks were directed toward sub-prime loans in the 2008 recession, or indeed almost any black issues. In fact, the Trayvon Martin case had to be reported because a community rallied around it.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the liberal.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

By the time the Justice report came out Ferguson was old news, the press had already moved on, and it wasn't only blacks that were directed to sub-prime loans, although the government clearly push banks to approve loans to people who clearly could never repay them. That was the result of people saying that the poor couldn't get loans to buy a home, so the government asked the banks to "relax" their lending requirements, and that gave us low doc, or no doc. loans, basically loans where the lenders took the word of the person applying for a loan that they had the resources to pay it back. And even when the people had resources the lenders and other also push people into taking out loans that were far above their ability to repay. People were encouraged to buy homes that would take 50% or more of their income to service the loan and in some cases that was interest only. That created a demand for homes, prices increased, and all was well until the first dip in home prices, suddenly you couldn't just sit on a home for two years sell it and make a profit, so the bubble popped and led to a huge mess.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

"Ferguson was old news"? Not to people in Ferguson. Not to BlackLivesMatter. Not to people like me. Heck, not even to FOX, which would constantly bring up Ferguson in a litany of complaints each time a racial trauma was ignited. And at that very time, there were discussions about officers being cleared in the Michael Brown shooting, with FOX leading the charge with self-congratulation about being "right" about "Stop, don't shoot" (ignoring that they were still wrong about the broader issues and that they were right the same way a broken clock is). So we see that Ferguson was still a topic... just not anything of substance about Ferguson. The liberal media too often lets FOX dictate the conversation, talking about the individual headline of the day without giving context with other headlines. That myopia, focusing on individual cases instead of broader issues, isn't just FOX's problem, but they are by far the worst.

That was the result of people saying that the poor couldn't get loans to buy a home, so the government asked the banks to "relax" their lending requirements, and that gave us low doc, or no doc. loans, basically loans where the lenders took the word of the person applying for a loan that they had the resources to pay it back

Completely and totally false. This is a conservative litany that ignores fact after fact. I'll just quote Wise rebutting Ward directly to save myself time:

"the biggest players in the subprime market were mortgage brokers, independent mortgage companies and Wall Street investment banks, none of which are even covered by laws like the CRA... only 6 percent of the high-price, high-risk loans made during the housing boom (and which ultimately went bad) were made by CRA-covered lenders to lower income borrowers (of any color), in neighborhoods where lending is even subject to CRA assessment".

"In California... according to a study conducted by the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, loans made in the state during the subprime boom that were eligible to count towards satisfying CRA goals were half as likely to enter foreclosure as those offered by non-covered independent mortgage brokers".

Racial minorities were TARGETED by banks, ILLEGALLY (that is, flatly against the government's mandate): "even when folks of color had comparable credit scores as whites, massive gaps in sub-prime loans persisted. Indeed, the gaps were highest at the upper end of credit scores. Among unqualified borrowers, there wasn’t much difference, but among those with high scores and good credit profiles, Black and Latino borrowers were 3 times more likely than comparable whites to be steered to a subprime instrument."

Government did not create toxic assets. Government could have stopped it, but failed to regulate the credit rating agencies. Government did not require banks to let people fill in any income that they like: That's actually fraud. Government did not make people flip houses (almost all of whom, Richard, were middle-class, not poor, virtually by definition). Government did not make companies use unethical accounting tricks. All of those were private actors pursuing wealth in a boom, including by innumerable illegal means.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the liberal.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

Ferguson started on August 9, 2014 the report was released 7 month later, so yes old news as basically everyone already knew what the report would say..

Without the government’s housing policy, odds are there would never have been a financial crisis. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were the implementers of a substantial portion of the government’s housing policy. That policy was intended to help people who couldn't get a mortgage get one. The Community Reinvestment Act. HUD which was basically in charge of all of these programs, also had its own program which involved the mortgage bankers’ association, and there were other HUD programs that encouraged the granting of mortgages to people who didn’t have the financial resources to support them.

So you had a program that was intended to help minorities, banks were encouraged to make loans and to close the racial gap, so if you happen to be black, the banks tried to boost their numbers by steering them into the program.

The banks were in a lose, lose position, if they didn't make the loan the government and activist jumped on them for not making enough loans to minorities, if they make the loan they risked losing money on the loan. It was a bad program without oversight, although the government didn't create the bad loans it encouraged them

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

Ferguson started on August 9, 2014 the report was released 7 month later, so yes old news as basically everyone already knew what the report would say..

Except the report was released contemporaneously with the release of the report exonerating Darren Wilson, so it wasn't "old news" at all. And who said it was "old news" to begin with? How the hell is an update to something hugely important, that had inspired national protests and had led to a whole new chant and sign, irrelevant? Because it offends affluent white viewers, or scares white-owned corporations? We got endless updates on Benghazi no matter how granular or irrelevant. Here's a piece of news from yesterday about MH370, That's a HUGELY old story, but we still see updates on it.

You're making a circular argument: It's old news because the media didn't report on it, and the media didn't report on it because it was old news.

Without the government’s housing policy, odds are there would never have been a financial crisis.

You can say that all you want, but it doesn't become any truer from repetition. Again: Government did not make banks behave fraudulently, or force people to bundle sub-prime mortgages into toxic assets, or make credit rating agencies misbehave. None of the causes of the recession had an ounce to do with government except insofar as government failed to do its job to regulate the market to protect poor people, investors, and anyone else besides the less-than-1% of the population who had anything to gain from this state of affairs.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were the implementers of a substantial portion of the government’s housing policy. That policy was intended to help people who couldn't get a mortgage get one. The Community Reinvestment Act. HUD which was basically in charge of all of these programs, also had its own program which involved the mortgage bankers’ association, and there were other HUD programs that encouraged the granting of mortgages to people who didn’t have the financial resources to support them.

Also utterly and totally false. To continue to cite from Wise in his evisceration of A.R. Ward:

"it is simply false to suggest that they created subprime mortgage backed securities, or were responsible for these pernicious investment instruments. They did not and were not; rather they were created by Wall Street firms because they were expected to be (and were for a while) highly profitable. Fannie and Freddie did not lose trillions by “providing government backed financing” so as to desperately increase home ownership. They lost that money because they — like tons of wealthy speculators — purchased subprime backed securities as investments (and again, because they were seen as a way to return huge profits to investors — that was the motivation), but they didn’t do it because it would help poor people get houses".

" most of Fannie and Freddie’s mortgage losses were not from affordable housing loans but from loans that went to higher income families. Between 2005 and 2008, purchases that were targeted to affordable housing totaled less than 8 percent of Fannie and Freddie’s 90-day delinquent portfolio, and only a small share of their overall troubled assets. Most losses were tied to Alt-A mortgages (mostly stated income, or “liar” loans), which did not count toward affordable housing targets and actually diluted them. These kinds of loans were almost never given to low income borrowers, let alone poor and working class folks of color".

Freddie and Fannie got sucked into exactly the same speculation that private speculators did, yet you do not blame those people. It's bankrupt.

So you had a program that was intended to help minorities, banks were encouraged to make loans and to close the racial gap, so if you happen to be black, the banks tried to boost their numbers by steering them into the program.

Which does not explain the original point of this whole discussion. There was NO legal mandate for the banks to give out loans that people couldn't repay at all, let alone a legal mandate for banks to refuse to negotiate with borrowers, let alone my original point about how black people were ILLEGALLY DIRECTED to sub-prime loans. The CRA not only didn't mandate that, it did the exact opposite of mandate it.

Banks behaved illegally to make money in the 2008 recession. No one denies this. They just blame the CRA and Freddie and Fannie, as if AIG or Bear Stearns or Lehman didn't matter.

So why is it that you've heard the picture you're citing and not mine? Why did the media not report on the evidence that black folks had been illegally directed toward sub-prime loans, or the simple fact that the 2008 recession obliterated black and Hispanic wealth in huge disproportions, or the fact that the "Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006... states that the SEC has the right to suspend or revoke the license of any rating agency for a wide range of reasons" and that the SEC failed? Why was this not FOX News's message, and why did so many other media outlets fail to counter FOX's propaganda? Because the media is biased.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the liberal.
1 vote,
Feb 5, 2016

"Because the media is biased."

Which is what I said to begin with, all media is biased, every paper, every news show, etc. Which way the bias goes depends on what side you happen to be on.

I can see we won't agree on what old news, in the 24 hour news cycle anything over a week old can be considered old, if a newer better story happens. We won't agree on who fault the housing bubble was, so I'll agree to disagree.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
0 votes,
Feb 5, 2016

Which is what I said to begin with, all media is biased, every paper, every news show, etc. Which way the bias goes depends on what side you happen to be on.

The issue is that bias goes beyond what people perceive: It goes to things like ownership, what people want to see, etc. That creates structural limits. Michael Parenti has pointed out in response to Noam Chomsky, who is willing to admit that much of the media likely has a liberal (not left)

What is utterly clear is that the picture provided not just by leftists but by a ton of academics, government agencies, regulators, etc. is simply not ever allowed into analysis. You can see the direction the bias goes when asking how many news outlets covered the obviously colossally salient fact that the United States had supported Saddam in the 1980s. The only ones I ever saw were on the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

But if you just go across the pond, to the UK, then suddenly left positions are available. They don't dominate: I wouldn't say the Guardian beats out the Daily Mail and the Economist routinely. It's just actually discussed. That's why the reportage of the way Bush stole the 2000 (and 2004) election had to come from an American reporting in the British media, Greg Palast.

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