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4 votes
Apr 4, 2015

There are many people who live in pain every day, whether it is from old age or a life-threatening illness. Assisted suicide and self euthanasia should be a choice that every human should be allowed to make. They can give the death penalty to convicts, so I believe to be able to make the choice to end your own life with or without help should be there for anyone to have.

People should be allowed to do what they want with their own lives. As long as they are acting on their own desire and can make that decision with their right mind, then no one should have the right to interfere. Some people live in daily grief or pain. Why not let them end the suffering?

User voted Yes.
2 votes
Apr 4, 2015

Yes it should. The fact you don't have a say on if you want to end your life or not, is proof you don't own you. I know people in pain, who are dieing, and under our laws, will suffer for a long time. Yes there should be safeguards in place, but you shouldn't you decide?

If you decide your life isn't worth living, then by what right does anyone have to force you to live?

1 vote
Sep 4, 2015

It should. People that have an incurable disease should be alowed and helped to end their suffering. Let's look at cancer: treatment is very expensive and not many people can afford it. Then are the side effects. For example for bone cancer it takes a lot to kill you (time) but makes the time a hell because of the pain.

Long story short: legalize it!

User voted Yes.
2 votes
Aug 9, 2015

I am pro-life, all humans have a right to life that cannot be taken away until natural death. The only justifiable killing is one in self defense, in which your own right to life is threatened.

User voted No.
1 vote
Jul 3, 2015

It should neither be legal or illegal.

What people do with themselves should be entirely left to the individual.

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