3 votes
Jun 22, 2015

Political office should not be a lifelong career, so yes, politicians should have a retirement age. Sometimes they're just too old, their views are too closed.

Our politics need a couple of fresh faces, some new ideas and views. Politicians are making laws. They can't do that properly if they have health issues.

They need to understand the decisions they are making, and I feel that sometimes they just don't understand them. I don't know if it is a dementia or they are just closed to any new ideas but this is really bad for our country.

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4 votes,
Jun 22, 2015

I think these common grievances against old politicians are valid but that forcing retirement isn't the best method. We have seen many examples of old guys who can keep an open mind(Ron Paul for example). Health issues are rare enough among congressmen/women that it's almost null and void.

Electing narrow minded individuals who don't know they are making bad choices is, I think, a result of other electoral failures, not of age.

I think a more appropriate response might be to have congressional term limits. It would allow a fresh cycle of legislators every few terms, just like the president, but without discriminating against age.

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1 vote,
Jun 22, 2015

A very valid point. And a very good solution. I have to recant my vote, It is now, No Opinion.

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0 votes,
Jun 22, 2015

No, I am against a retirement age and I am against term limits. However, a politician should not be permitted to serve three consecutive terms. That way, certain people (like Feinstein, Bloomberg, Kennedy) won't be able to become so entrenched that they can't be removed from office. But, if the people really like a person, they have an opportunity to reelect in the next election.

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