5 votes
Mar 27, 2015

Warming trends tend to fluctuate throughout the millennia. The 'greenhouse effect' is caused by human-generated carbon dioxide, changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun, volcanic emissions and solar activity -- yes, these statements are all true but these factors are not the only causes of global warming.

Large scale studies on global climate change show that since the last Ice Age (which occurred about 12,000 years ago) temperatures were relatively stable. But smaller scale studies show that there actually are some fluctuations. For example the temperatures increased between 0,08-0,22°C since 1979. Recent studies show that temperature fluctuations are more frequent throughout time than first thought. And in addition to that there was no 'human-generated carbon dioxide' in the distant past and these fluctuations were still there.

So the conclusion is that global warming is caused by natural and external forces. Human activities are just accelerating those natural processes. We can't say that it is an absolute threat. But nonetheless global warming is a problem because there are many species that are taking it pretty hard (e.g. amphibians) - they can even extinct.

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0 votes,
Mar 27, 2015

How can you say global warming is not a threat after admitting that it exists. At the very least, think of the 100s of millions of people negatively affected by the rise in sea levels.

User voted No.
1 vote,
Mar 27, 2015


The point is the climate is always changing, at no time in the history of our planet has the climate not been changing. We've had ice ages when CO2 was between 2,000 and 8,000 ppm, we've seen during the Medieval Warm Period where CO2 was about 2,000 ppm and yet they were only 1 °C warmer than today.

To say global warming is a threat is to ignore our plant's history. Sea levels have been much higher, and lower and yes we have proof sea levels were much lower and man was around during that time. I can show you were a glacier was expanding 5,000 years ago and have now retreated back to where it was. And man adapted, and we must adapt again or die, simple.

Now you notice in the question it's implied that it's man made (AGW) to which I would point to the math from the assessments published by the IPCC where, once you do the math, we should be 5 degrees warmer today using only CO2 and ignoring all the other "green house gasses". We haven't warmed as mush as those pushing AGW have said, yet we are told over and over this is settled science, so why the error?

So yes the planet is currently on a warming trend, just like it was on a cooling trend after the medieval warm period, this "threat" is something that has happened in the past, will happen in the future, and really nothing man can do about it. So we need to adapt to what our planet is doing.

0 votes,
Mar 27, 2015

You are the only one ignoring our planet's history. There have always been mass die offs associated with huge releases of CO2 into the atmosphere.

User voted No.
1 vote,
Mar 27, 2015

There have been mass die off that may have been due to methane other many be been from impacts. But it is imposable to say it was directly from CO2 releases or methane. Impacts can be seen in the record but again there probably were many causes for mass die offs, continental drift many have been a factor also.

But here's the questions I always ask about AGW, can't CRU recreate their data set, do they have the original data, and how said data was combined. Do those pushing AGW allow access to their models, their data their assumption? Are we allowed to see the code for the climate models? Does the IPCCS required data, data collection methods, math, models, code, to released to the reviewers. So far the answer has been no.

If the danger is as bad as those pushing AGW say it is, it is criminal for them not to release everything.

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