User voted Yes.
2 votes
Nov 30, 2016

Maybe, the SJW and PC crowd really prevented the discussions we needed to have. So if you happen to be against gay marriage for whatever reason then you're homophobic, try and talk about blacks taking responsibility for crimes they have committed, racist, try and talk about Islam, you're bigoted, and on and on.

So you have at least half of Americans being told to basically shut up you don't matter, your opinion doesn't matter, WE know best. YOU must have tolerance for people you disagree with, and WE don't have to tolerate anyone who disagrees with us. (Personally I have found those who preach tolerance, are very intolerant toward people they disagree with.) So is any surprise that people who have been told they are bad, evil, deplorable, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic that they would reach out to someone who basically said, no, your feeling, your opinions are valuable, you're not evil etc. Had the SJW and the PC crowd LISTEN to other side, were tolerant to other side, we might not have even nominated Trump, but the SJW and PC crowd basically said if you don't vote of Hillary, you're a sexist, you're against blacks, against immigrants (even most of the right are against illegal aliens, and how dare you want to break up family, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN) so did they create Trump, maybe not, but they did setup the conditions for him to win.


But if you happen

So if you happen

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User voted No.
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0 votes,
Dec 4, 2016

"So if you happen to be against gay marriage for whatever reason then you're homophobic, etc."

I still think that PC (or political correctness) isn't the best term for such practices. I see nothing wrong with being politically correct, if it means that people would strive to hold eachothers feelings into account (as in: respect eachother). To oppose gay marriage is a valid opinion (although not everyone can offer a rational argument supporting such a view; a lot of the time it is based on sentiment, which often lacks the needed validity to appease their opponents during such debates), and I think that to deny someone their opinion by "thoughtpunishing" them for it, sounds more like facism (or dogmatic censorship) to me.

User voted Yes.
0 votes,
Dec 5, 2016

The point is that the PC and SJW crowd stopped ALL the conversations, no matter how they were stated. They ARE the thought police, they won't listen to other points of views. PC is the perfect word for it, it is more political than anything else, see the way the PC and SJW crowd frame their argument in such a way that you are labeled homophobic, bigoted, etc. if you disagree with them.

You can't use that word, even if its true. Take the proper term illegal alien, you can't say that, they are undocumented migrants, and if you dare use the proper term then you're a bigot, or xenophobic. PEOPLE CAN"T BE ILLEGAL! is what they will scream, with the added scream of "BIGOT!" Kind of hard to have any meaningful dialoged with anyone who won't listen. And if you happened to fall into the PC SJW trap of using their term, and it is a trap, see you agree they are just migrants who didn't get their documents from the government and why should they? After all it just a piece of paper what's the harm in that, they are just after a better way of life, why should a piece of paper stop them from doing that? Never mind they are breaking federal law, never mind they are stealing ID from people and making their life a living hell when they have to spend hours and hours trying to straighten out the mess not of their making. Most of the time using their terms means accepting that they are right, which is why they have to shut anyone down who doesn't use the PC term.

User voted No.
1 vote,
Dec 5, 2016

I see your point, I understand what you mean; BUT.

*Why* do you insist calling these people PC and SJW? Aren't true Social Justice Warriors people who are actually trying to make a positive difference in the world (like anti-bullying ambassadors or people volunteering at a homeless shelter)? It seems to me that to denounce PC and SJW altogether also comes at the cost of the good guys.

Even if they call themselves politically correct, doesn't mean that they actually are (as I wrote somewhere else on this website). Why copy their flawed terminology and denounce it? Perhaps because it makes it easier to denounce them in return (as they denounced your behavior/opinion/choice of words in the first place)?

User voted Yes.
0 votes,
Dec 6, 2016

I can only speak on my experiences with the PC and SJW crowd, but I have found most aren't trying to make a difference, they won't do the grunt work. Basically they are trying to say "See, I'm a good person." They don't want to put in the effort to really change anything. Sure they will protest, call people names, tell others how good they are because they care and how bad others are because they don't, but most of the PC and SJW won't do the real work. So there aren't many "real" SJW in the world and most of them are working to make a difference not protesting. Take the occupy movement, you know the people who were protesting economic inequality, greed, corruption look how they treated the homeless (you know people even worst off then the protesters) when they came to eat, suddenly the good food went away, no more organic chicken and vegetables, spaghetti bolognese, and roasted beet and sheep’s-milk-cheese, suddenly it's brown rice. How about they treated women who were raped in the camps (don't report it to the police) and so on. Look at how the PC and SJW treated those who were against prop 8, they threated to KILL people who disagreed with them, they got people fired, because they disagreed with them, but when the shoe is on the other foot, they scream that "we" must show tolerances.

Are there times when you NEED to protest, but you MUST be willing to put in the work after the protest ends.

I try not to use their flawed terms, but when I don't use their terms they stop the conversation and start the name calling. I'd be more than happy to discuss, immigration, religion, Islam, the Bible, etc. I have said many time as soon as you start calling the other side names, you've lost, in general I won't label someone as PC or as a SJW, I will call them out on the terms they use. Take my example of undocumented migrants, the proper term is illegal alien, but once you try and use the proper term, the name calling starts. So any discussion about the problem ends, but at least they feel good, even if the problem never gets solved.

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