User voted No.
2 votes
Sep 13, 2016

No, true anarchy can't work. With no-one in authority, you can't have laws. After all what good is a law if there is no-one to enforce it? If you don't have laws, then the strongest will just take what they want. If someone wants your house, they just walk in and take it, what are you going to do? Well, with no police, judges, etc, you either fight or leave assuming they don't just kill you. Soon, of course, the strong will make rules and use whatever means they have to enforce them, and thus anarchy would die as there would be someone in authority.

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0 votes,
Sep 14, 2016

I upvoted your comment because it exposes a flaw within the ideology of anarchy: namely that the end of anarchy is created when authority is reclaimed by force. So it might be a matter of time before anarchy ends.

However, I disagree with the idea that "the strongest will just take away what they want". It reduces the anarchistic situation to a case of "survival of the fittest", where "fittest" implies physical fitness instead of adaptive capabilities (which is what fittest actually means).

Also while I share the acknowledgement of the potential violent nature within human behavior as a constant factor, you seem to have a bit of a pessimistic view. Are you saying that the existence of authority is a natural occurance within society, inherited by the "strong"?

User voted No.
1 vote,
Oct 2, 2016

"where "fittest" implies physical fitness instead of adaptive capabilities (which is what fittest actually means).,"

But unless they can protect their goods the strong will just take it way. So they would have to be physical fit, and probably inclined to violence as well.

"Are you saying that the existence of authority is a natural occurance within society, inherited by the "strong"?"

Well we don't have anarchy, but in our society, the strong isn't just those people who are physically strong, but also those who buy the strength of their personally able to convince people to follow them. We've seen that though out history, in both good and bad.

0 votes,
Oct 2, 2016

"But unless they can protect their goods the strong will just take it way."

They (the strong) would, if it were a scarcity society, even when governed. But I see your point.

User voted No.
0 votes,
Oct 3, 2016

Even in our non anarchy society when there isn't any real scarcity, we see the "strong" taking from the weak. By strong I mean basically those who are either physically strong or are will to be violent, how much worse would it be if there weren't laws?

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