User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
0 votes
Feb 5, 2016

Yes, but this question is fundamentally badly asked.

The media probably leans more conservative these days, but in fact the "liberal" media are a crucial part of the system of control.

The media is biased toward corporate needs and the needs of the rich. There are numerous obvious structural factors that cause that, as well as cultural factors: The fact that reporting on the rich and powerful can be costly and obnoxious while reporting on the poor is very easy; the fact that the rich and powerful create a culture that lionizes their behavior and values; the need to court advertisers and affluent viewers; the fact that people in the media are themselves often relatively affluent professionals; etc.

The media in the U.S. is a propaganda service for U.S. elites, by and large.

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0 votes,
Feb 7, 2016

Not sure why you feel the question is "badly asked". Seems pretty simple to me, either you believe there is a bias, which you evidently do, or you don't. Your belief on which way the bias leans is again a matter of personal opinion. You are obviously watching, listening to and reading different sources than I.

User voted Yes, it's slanted towards the conservative.
1 vote,
Feb 7, 2016

The poll answers discuss a simple partisan affiliation, and that's the problem. The issue isn't simple partisanship: it's a worldview that goes beyond Democrat-Republican to include assumptions like "the US can invade whoever it pleases".

I would submit that either the sources you are watching in fact do have the behavior I am talking about or tend to be some of the few left-leaning sources. The Young Turks, LINK and Al-Jazeera tend to be able to talk to SOME degree about left perspectives, but they are hardly representative. Bias is possible to measure, though difficult.

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