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1 vote
Dec 31, 2015

I think it depends on the individual man or woman, and it also depends a lot on having a good script, director, etc. I like actors and actresses that are picky about their roles and don't do just anything for a buck. I'm willing to take a look at anything with Hilary Swank in it. I'd say she makes good choices about 80% of the time. When she chooses a bad movie, it's REALLY bad however. Denzel Washington has chosen really good roles for most of his career, but now that he's getting older, I think he's been forced to be less choosy.

I probably choose movies with male leads more often than ones with female leads, but I think it's more a function of men being offered better lead roles and more lead roles in general.

User voted No preference.
0 votes
Feb 4, 2016

I have absolutely no preference. I will admit that, on average, I watch films with male leads, but that is because on average I will empathize with the male leads more than female leads and on average I enjoy the kinds of movies that male leads tend to be in. But I prefer to have a diverse range of action films, comic book movies, science fiction, and other fiction. And when a film has a female lead that has a good story, I am ecstatic.

0 votes
Aug 15, 2016

You know , i've never thought about this thing. So, i just thought a little - and i prefer a man leading role in movies.

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