If you had any psychological problems, do you think a good psychologist could help you to overcome them?

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User voted Yes.
2 votes
Mar 28, 2015

Psychotherapy already has improved my life. I have an anxiety disorder for which I take medication every day. The medication helps with my sense of well-being, but therapy is what helped me change my behavior.

As an anxiety sufferer, I would avoid situations that made me anxious. The problem with that defense mechanism is that it severely limits one's life. You begin to find that more things make you anxious and you keep closing the door on so many opportunities until your life becomes one very.small.room. My therapist helped me learn to take chances again, to risk having things go wrong. I in turn learned that things go wrong for everyone, and that I need not die of shame if I fail at something. My therapist also helped me re-gauge my sense of reality, to figure out which mountains were really mountains, and which ones were really mole hills that I had just made into mountains in my mind.

Psychotherapy can't do everything, but it can help you have a better understanding of yourself and give you an opportunity to tell someone the troubling thoughts that you've kept bottled up inside of you.

1 vote
Sep 28, 2015

Yes, and to the best of my knowledge I do not have a psychological problem and I still will answer "yes".

A psychotherapist is, amongst other things, a life coach. She is there to look at your life and give you external feedback.

There's a remarkable article about coaching, "Personal Best", written by a doctor. That doctor found that twenty minutes being watched on the job and then coached later did more for him than years of other kinds of continued professional development.

We all benefit from having someone sit down with us, talk about where we want to go, give us ideas, help us formulate our concepts, pass on some wisdom from a cross-section of others, and then move on. I firmly believe that people need a psychological just as much as they need a physical: Every year or every two years they should get a check-in with a trusted counselor of any kind and just make sure they're on the right track.

User voted Yes.
0 votes
Apr 1, 2015

I think that sometimes the best psychologist is just someone who you love because you were not afraid that he/she will be judging. You can be sure this person will do everything what is possible to help you.

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