The topic concerns a specific religion (not history).

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38 opinions, 19 replies
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Mar 27, 2015

I have no problem w/ religion while it doesn't confuse canon law w/ the law of the land. However, one should ask them self, has religion lost more souls than it saved? (across the centuries of hostility behind religion ie. the inquisition, jihads etc). Teach religion in parochial schools and respect those who don't want it taught in public schools. I'm for the separation of church and state.

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Mar 27, 2015

I believe that schools and curricula should represent the communities they serve so the process is democratic and inclusive, not politicized and divisive. If schools taught conflict resolution, and offered assistance with mediation to the public, we could better address issues with school curricula and policies, with respect for democratic principles of due process of laws and equal protection of interests. In that context, schools and communities could decide how to handle issues if religion, sex and health education, the science behind the process of creation and evolution, and research on natural healing and the impact of prayer and forgiveness on health. I would recommend if not require training in conflict resolution, for school and public administrators if not for all citizens, in order to set up community based systems for addressing all other issues.

0 votes
Mar 27, 2015

Yes, we should teach a thorough critical review of history of religion with analysis of how various religions overtime came into existence, how they were used and exploited and how they have informed global progress and conflict.

This was our children would graduate from school fully equipped to reject religious nonsense and better prepared for the real world.

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Mar 29, 2015

Religion's place is in the family home, not in schools. Religious studies however, examining the histories and principles of the different religions, is beneficial.

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Apr 9, 2015

There are over 4,000 religions in the world and I don't think that this is one of those topics that could be taught or even learned without some form of prejudice to the interests of others.

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Jul 20, 2015

Only in terms of how it affects different societies culturally.

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Aug 25, 2015

It should, but it should NOT say witch one is right & wrong. Cos we all dont know.

User voted No.
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Feb 1, 2016

A theology course should be available as an elective. That theology course would have to be very carefully taught by accepted standards.

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