New record
Feb 6, 2017 - 08:32:12 pm
Do you like that Donald Trump is not talking bad about Vladimir Putin?
Option name:
Yes, he should try to improve the U.S.-Russia relation
Option name:
I like that he is not talking bad, but I don't like that he praises Putin
Option name:
No, he should be talking bad about Putin
Title desc:
On February 5, during the Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl interview, Bill O'Reilly asked President item:108708[Donald Trump] about Russian President item:108463[Vladimir Putin], stating "he's a killer". Trump tried to defend Putin against that statement, replying with "Do you think that our country is so innocent?"[link:src=]video[/link] What do you think about Trump's reaction to O'Reilly's question? How would you like the U.S. President to speak about Putin and Russia?
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Search tags:
trump putin killer,
putin killer,
o'reilly putin killer,
trump o'reilly
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