8 votes
Jun 21, 2015

According to this the US spends the most per capita on healthcare in the world. This is ridiculous and is mainly because of the capitalist nature of our healthcare system. Without a government regulated system healthcare prices sky rocket due to the massive demand for healthcare. When you're terminally ill you don't care what it costs to make you better. Healthcare companies take full advantage of this by absurdly overcharging for even the simplest of care. It's incredibly unethical. If our government regulated healthcare, not only would our country spend less tax money on healthcare, healthcare would be cheaper for voluntary procedures. Our neighbors to the north spend half of what we do per capita and they receive the same level of care. Sure, sometimes they have to wait for less serious procedures, but at least they aren't afraid to actually get care. If you don't want to wait, you have to pay. Even then, you would pay a lot less for the same procedure when compared to the US. We shouldn't worry about whether it's mandatory or not, we need a complete re-vamp of the system.

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2 votes,
Jun 21, 2015

No This is why. Anytime something become mandatory the price goes way up. Just look at Car insurance prior to it being mandatory I could fully cover my vehicle new for about 350.00 per year in Texas. When Texas passed the mandatory car insurance law to make the auto insurance co happy my rate jumped from 350.00 a year to almost 900.00 a year. Who really benefitted from that the Insure companies. Who lost everyone who wanted to drive, but the biggest losers were the poor because although they may have been able to afford an old car to drive around in they were held back because they could not afford the insurance so they lost there license no longer could make it to there jobs and fell back. Health insurance is no difference. The problem with health care is not the Insurance its the cost of the care and several factors are in that. Tort which continues to be a problem in this country everyone wants to be a millionaire without working for it. Every lawyer wants that money and are part of the problem. 2 Test that doctors run in order to avoid being sued. The fact that the very Government who wants this law created a lot of this high prices for health care.

1 vote,
Jun 21, 2015

This is because the mandatory insurance is being run through corporations, NOT the government.

In other countries, the entire health care system is run through the government - single payer - NOT a hybrid system like in the US where they still leave control in the hands of private industry.

If you are going to have government run health care, you need to eliminate the private insurance industry as a control factor in insurance policy.

0 votes,
Jun 21, 2015

Yes I see what you think your going to get with government controlled health insurance, but Cuba has it and they have 25 people a day passing away from a lack of care, but hey I guess that is jus the cost of having the Government administer something. I mean just look at the VA those guys are dying just waiting for service you can expect the same from Obama care want to cut the cost of health care you must first create tort reform and reduce government regulations which is killing us via job market its why you have no jobs and more people not working than in the late 70 when the 2nd worst president was in office Jimmy Carter. The one thing about communist is everyone is equal that is they are equally poor, equally hungry, equally dying from service and government control.

linked reply
0 votes,
Jun 21, 2015

And without ObamaCare or Medicare or Medicaid, most Americans who aren't part of the families of the top 20% of earners in this country would have NO insurance at all and therefore no health care at all.

We would make Cuba's death rate look wonderfully optimistic.

Try comparing apples to apples. Cuba is a third world country and isn't in the same league as the US in either population, GDP or opportunity. Compare to countries like England, France, Spain, Germany.....

main reply
4 votes,
Jun 21, 2015

Absolutely they try to take advantage of the situations. They are running a business with a little hippocratic oath thrown in for good measure.

In many parts of the world without public health care the costs for any kind of medical care are exceptionally high. This is because it is run for profit and not run for the good and health of the people.

Really, public health care is the only way that makes social sense, and oddly enough it tends to cost a lot less over all.

0 votes,
Jun 21, 2015

That statement is not true at all. Even the Government is not run for the good of the people and the US government is more about the few in charge getting very wealthy

Yes I see what you think your going to get with government controlled health insurance, but Cuba has it and they have 25 people a day passing away from a lack of care, but hey I guess that is jus the cost of having the Government administer something. I mean just look at the VA those guys are dying just waiting for service you can expect the same from Obama care want to cut the cost of health care you must first create tort reform and reduce government regulations which is killing us via job market its why you have no jobs and more people not working than in the late 70 when the 2nd worst president was in office Jimmy Carter.
The one thing about communist is everyone is equal that is they are equally poor, equally hungry, equally dying from service and government control.

User voted No.
0 votes,
Jun 21, 2015

If you really want to see how our government would run health care, look at the health care system they are currently in charge in, Indian Health Services. Where people live 5 years less than the general population, have more heart problems, where people say don't get sick after June because that's when the money runs out.

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