Do you think one day women will be as good (or better) as men at sports like chess, poker, or go? At chess, Judit Polgar has already proved it's possible to compete with best men (she was 8 in the world at her peak). It's not hard to imagine one day some woman will beat her achievement. But on average, will women be ever as good as men?

Yes, it will happen one day I'm not sure No, it will never happen They already are see voting resultssaving...
5 opinions, 3 replies
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User voted Yes, it will happen one day.
2 votes
Jul 20, 2015

On average, women are slightly better verbally and men mathematically, but it is unclear how much culture might play a role in this. For example, there are proportionately more female math competitors in China than the U.S.

3 votes
Jul 9, 2015

You "forgot" the voting option "I think they already are".

Good job.

User voted Yes, it will happen one day.
main reply
2 votes,
Jul 9, 2015

Will travelling from London to New York in 15 minutes ever be possible?

You "forgot" the voting option "I think it already is".

1 vote,
Jul 9, 2015

That's nice.

2 votes,
Jul 9, 2015

Well. I think that on average (as the description states) women already are (potentially) as good as men at mind sports.

Have I earned your respect now, or should I change my name to Emma Watson?

1 vote
Dec 31, 2015

I think it's just a matter of participation. If we had equal numbers of men and women playing chess and poker in serious competitions, we'd probably find that about half the time the world champions in both competitions would be women and about half the time they would be men. I think a better question is why don't we see equal numbers of men and women playing these mind sports? Do we culturally exclude women from them?

0 votes
Aug 14, 2015

well women can be better, as good or worst than men at mind sport but if we look at the brain the men have a part that women don't have, this part make men more perseverant than woman physically (so they can train more and with better efficiency) so in a way men have more potential but potential isn't the most important thing, talent and hard work can overcome even the best potential an in society usually focus more on the mind than men so in the end you can't say there is a difference in result

0 votes
Aug 17, 2016

For me, chess and poker are suitable only for men. My answer for your question - maybe, one day. But do not forget, if women develope their abilities, men won't sleep. Thanks for really interesting question.

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